6-15-05 Republicans cut Patriot Act hearing and attack PBS


On Friday June 10th, the Republican Party closed the hearing into the Patriot act, turned off the microphones and turned out the lights before allowing all the witnesses to speak out against civil liberties violations. They shut CSPAN down and told reports to stop taking notes.

The mainstream news media did not report on the violation however; if you listen to the show (link below), you hear United States Congressmen calling in to complain out the illegal activity.

Keep in mind, these are not bloggers, leftwing tree huggers, or liberal nutcases, these are United States Congressmen.

Reference Wilem

Also, honestly, if we truly value the First Amendment, we need to see more reporting on the Associated Press story that PBS is now going to change its editorials because of threats from the Republican Party to cut off their funding.

This is fundamental, freedom of the press must be protected, if you allow this story to go un-reported, your news broadcast will be next… and you know that is true.

“PBS, which rejects accusations of liberal bias, said it has been reviewing its procedures since before Republicans in Congress moved to cut its financing. The Republican chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, has specifically accused the show hosted by Bill Moyers of featuring guests hostile to conservative views.”

Reference AP